REOPENING THE WORKPLACE DURING COVID-19_ SAFETY FOR EMPLOYERS By:Resourceology360 The COVID-19 pandemic is weighing heavy on businesses in every industry, many of our leaders are trying to readjust to the new normal. These are uncertain times for many and we want to stay prepared for any changes to the business landscape. Although many employers have adopted the CDC guidelines as leaders it is key that information is consistently communicated to all employees and vendors that come in contact with the business regularly. Information provided by the CDC has provided resources and information that can help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace such as ensuring that employees, vendors, contractors, who are not sick to stay home. If an employee is showing signs of sickness (i.e. fever) they should be sent home immediately to minimize the spread of the virus. Wearing a mask is intended to help stop the spread and is highly encouraged in the workplace. Wearin...